Our Services

Information Intelligence

Create reporting solutions, analytical strategies and strategic customer insights to optimise business decision making through data driven insights.

Business Intelligence

Reporting is fundamental in any business. The purpose of which is to provide a view of the journey of your business or business functions from a prior to current state and thus enable you to plan and improve the future of the business.

  • Reports are created at different levels, that is, strategic and operational.
  • Strategic being a more birds-eye view of the business whilst operational reports reflecting more detail.
  • Both levels serve a similar purpose though in that it provides you a view of trends and variances that occur and should alert the respective audience to concerns or opportunities that should be addressed.
  • Often however, reporting is treated as a tick-box exercise and is not efficiently developed.
  • Most reports are loaded with information, however, not always useful information and with excess information you can easily lose the attention of the intended audience.
  • At Blacksheep Consulting, with analytics as our core, we ensure that our reporting is designed and developed around value to the business by enabling the right business questions to be asked and facilitating the answers thereto.

Strategic Market Research and Customer Insights

Market research can be a significant contributor to formulating a business’s strategic direction and provides external insights into customer behaviour that is not easily deduced from analysing transactional data.

  • It is often reduced however to a data collection exercise that is meant to back up already formed hypotheses, and not used to direct a business’s strategic efforts.
  • At Blacksheep Consulting, we don’t only facilitate the collection of market research data, but help you unpack the strategic narrative emanating from the data collected in order to shape your strategy and improve your business’s performance.
  • We are able to use advanced analytical techniques to uncover hidden insights, overlay market research with your existing customer data and help you make evidence based strategic decisions.

Continuous Improvement

Even within the same industry, competing businesses aren't likely to have identical operations or operational processes.

  • Optimization becomes a function of a multitude of considerations such as available resources, skill sets, technology, geography, customers etc.
  • At Blacksheep Consulting, we have developed a versatile approach to creating efficient processes which implements the analytics value chain, read more about our approach here.
  • This means that our solutions are evidence based, modelled, predictable and trackable.
  • This means that before we implement a solution, we can estimate it's expected impact and track the impact once implemented.